The Success of Your Next Fishing Trip can Hinge On Live Bait Cooler

Live bait coolers can help you improve your catch numbers for the day. If you are using live bait than you should be packing them in live bait coolers. The success of your next trip highly depends on what bait you use and the condition of it.

You may be thinking why should I get a live bait cooler when I already have a hard-sided cooler I can use? First, you should know that they are not the same, second why would you put bait in a cooler that you put your lunch in?

What Are Live Bait Coolers?

A high-quality live bait cooler is designed to keep bait alive for longer. Not all live bait coolers are the same. Some do not offer the quality design and construction that you need to ensure safe transport and storage of live bait.

These types of coolers have an aeration pump built-in. The aerator pump ensures that the live bait is getting the right amount of oxygen to help keep them alive.

To get the value that you want out of any cooler, it is important that you select a brand that has a reputation for delivering value. This can be one of the handiest tools you have on your next fishing outing.

Bait Matters

You do not have to be a professional fisherman or competition fisherman to know that the right bait is vital to the success of your fishing trip. One of the most well-known facts about fishing is that big fish eat little fish. The right bait can help you hook that big mouth bass you were looking for, but the catch is, those bass are looking for something live to take a bite out of.

A live bait cooler ensures that when you get to your fishing honey hole that your bait is alive and ready to help you hook those fish. Clams, mussels, shrimp and a wide range of other bait require live bait aerated coolers to stay alive. They are very sensitive to atmospheric change, a cooler with a pump aerator can keep them alive.

Quality Matters

It is important that you look for a well-built cooler that incorporates high-quality materials like marine grade stainless steel, heavy-duty 360 gaskets and a highly functioning aeration system that is well-designed.

Of course, you also want comfort features so when you are traveling to your hot spot trying to carry your insulated tumblers, coolers, bait cooler and your other gear it is easy to carry. A padded shoulder strap and tough built handles can help.

Don’t head out without the right gear including your live bait cooler from Elgin.

CoolerFishingLive bait